Upcoming events

The Radiant Feminine & Cacao Ceremony

The Radiant Feminine & Cacao Ceremony

Welcome to a ceremony dedicated to nurturing the feminine and spark her Radiance.

The multiple layers of this women's gathering will be infused with ancient practices and mystical rituals to guide us back to a resourceful and harmonious existence in tune with the feminine principle. The intend is to reveal a deeper, subtle and truer perception of ourselves, an exploration of our innate innocence, the feminine and masculine within and the seed of inner power. Imagine a supportive brave space where we gather to listen, amplify, SOFTEN, empower and become more in acceptance, a tiny bit more in love with ourself. When a woman meets and embraces her depth and her wild, dark, playful… all of her aspects, she is more likely to dance her dance as a RADIANT, whole, creative, resourced intuitive being.

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Magnetic Heart. Magnetic Breath:A Women's Gathering for softening

Magnetic Heart. Magnetic Breath:A Women's Gathering for softening

The multiple layers of this women's gathering intend to reveal a deeper, subtle and truer perception of ourselves. When a woman meets and embraces her depth and her wild, dark and sweet nectar of divinity, she is more likely to dance her dance as MAGNETIC, whole, divine intuitive being.

Our journey together will include various practices and rituals, meditation, breathwork, conscious self massage and excersices for our deepest exploration of our innate innocence and seed of inner power. Imagine a safe, supportive brave space where we gather to amplify, dissolve and be in acceptance with ourselves among others.

The alchemy of Cacao and Rose Ceremony will invite us gently inwards, to explore the hidden corners of our heart, give us permission to melt into our inner SOFTNESS and prepare us to REWILD the puls of our feminine nature.


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The Flow of Soma

The Flow of Soma

The Dance Between Form and Formless

Join us, Anita and Freya Luna Colibri, for a ceremony of remembrance through breath, movement, voice, sound and meditation, energy cultivation, exploring the love affair between Form and the Formless – The Eternal and the Temporary, time and the timeless, exploring all the layers in between as we allow ourselves to revel in the senses and the experience of and indulgence in form from a higher perspective and knowing.

We’ll begin our multilayered journey in ceremony with the medicines of Cacao and Blue Lotus cacao and Rose and dive into practices that help us discern, feel into and connect with our eternal nature and all its layers and dimensions, the lover and beloved, and dive into a sacred space of timelessness. This alchemy will invite us gently inward, to explore the hidden corners of our heart, give us permission to melt into our inner softness and rewild the puls of our feminine nature.

Through the help of pranayama, yogic kriyas, intuitive somatic movement, voice practices and opening, guided by Freya we will explore the elements within the body, the energy centers, the layers of perception and together we will create a powerful collective field for this exploration that will magnify and evolve our understanding and knowing. So we will breathe, move and sing together, creating a sacred space of devotion within and without.


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Curating exquisite multilayered experiences, sacred ceremonies and transformational workshops.

If you desire to collaborate and co-create with Anita, please reach out here.
She is based in Bulgaria and in Spain - the Balearic islands. Her work is available worldwide.

A selection of previous events can be witnessed here…